
HME would like to thank the sponsors listed below for their support of our in-house formula racecars.  The team of partners that we have build provides world class service and products. We have recently acquired a Van Diemen FB (F1000) that we are using as a test-bed to develop product for motorcycle powered racecars.  See a complete list of partner companies that we rely on under the tab above!


Wicks Aircraft and Motorsports


Highland, IL

About Wicks Aircraft & Motorsports:

Wicks is a long-standing, reputable name in the experimental and general aviation aircraft circles. Wicks has products that we use ranging from composite materials, to an hardware, to aluminum sheets, to 4130 tubing, to rod ends, to tools, to virtually anything aircraft related. Scott Wick and his team have worked closely with HME to evaluate and carry new lines of product that can help racers obtain their own advantages.


Mitchell Racing Services


Gasoline Alley Indianapolis, IN

About Mitchell Racing Services:

Leon Mitchell has been involved in motorsports for more than 30 years. He has raced and or been crew chief on cars from USAC midgets, World of Outlaws sprint cars, Baby Grand stock-cars, SCCA Formula 1000s, and SCCA Formula 500s to name a few. Leon owns Scorpion Formula 500 formula cars, manages several customers racing programs, and a repair service out of Gasoline Alley in Indianapolis. Leon is one of the top driver development coaches in the business.